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CHARACTER                  BOOK OR STORY                    ROLE



Ablewhite, Godfrey                       The Moonstone                     Rachel Verinder's villainous cousin

Aimata                                           Iolani                                 Courageous young friend of Idia

Aldersley, Frank                            The Frozen Deep                   Naval officer engaged to Clara Burnham

Antonina                                        Antonina                             Daughter of Numerian, captured by Hermanric

Ariel                                               The Law and The Lady         Miserrimus Dexter's devoted cousin

Armadale, Allan                             Armadale                             Naive hero, unaware of his ancestry 


Bartrum, Admiral                          No Name                            George Bartram's uncle

Bartrum, George                           No Name                             Noel Vanstone's cousin

Bashwood, Felix                            Armadale                              Armadale's steward spying for Miss Gwilt

Basil                                              Basil                                     Hero who marries a linen-draper's daughter

Benjamin                                      The Law and The Lady            Valeria's faithful friend,her father's former clerk

Benjulia, Dr Nathan                     Heart and Science                     Brain specialist and vivisectionist

Bennydeck, Captain                     The Evil Genius                      Religious friend of Sydney Westerfield's father

Benwell, Father Ambrose             The Black Robe                        Jesuit priest scheming to recover Vange Abbey

Betteredge, Gabriel                      The Moonstone                         Verinder house-steward and chief narrator

Betteredge, Penelope                    The Moonstone                         Betteredge's daughter;  Rachel Verinder's maid

Bishopriggs                                  Man and Wife                         Waiter at Craig Fernie inn

Blake, Franklin                            The Moonstone                          Rachel Verinder's cousin

Blanchard, Jane                            Armadale                                Allan Armadale's mother

Blunt, Martin                               Mr Wray's Cash-Box                Mr Wray's clumsy assistant

Blythe, Mrs Lavinia                      Hide and Seek                          Disabled wife of Valentine Blythe

Blyth, Valentine                          Hide and Seek                          Artist friend of Zachary Thorpe

Brinkworth, Arnold                     Man and Wife                          Delamayn's friend, engaged to Blanche Lundie

Brock, Reverend Decimus           Armadale                                 Allan Armadale's tutor and guardian

Brown, Emily                              "I Say No"                              Orphan investigating her father's death

Bruff, Mr                                    The Moonstone                           Verinder family lawyer

Burnham, Clara                           The Frozen Deep                       Fiancee to Frank Aldersley

Buschmann, Uncle Joseph           The Dead Secret                         Sarah Leeson's Mozart playing uncle

Candy, Dr                                    The Moonstone                         Verinder family doctor

Catherick, Anne                           The Woman in White               Mysterious woman in white, Laura's double

Catherick, Mrs                             The Woman in White                Rigidly respectable mother of Anne Catherick

Chennery, Dr                                The Dead Secret                       Clergyman friend of the Treverton family

Clack, Drusilla                              The Moonstone                         Rachel Verinder's aunt; interfering evangelist

Clara                                             Basil                                       Basil's devoted sister

Clare, Frank                                 No Name                                 Good-for-nothing fiancee to Magdalen Vanstone

Colebatch, Matthew                     Mr Wray's Cash-Box                 Squire of Tidbury-on-the-Marsh

Crayford, Lucy                             The Frozen Deep                      Clara Burnham's best friend

Cuff, Sergeant                               The Moonstone                          Celebrated rose-growing detective


Darch, Mr                                     Armadale                                 Blanchard family lawyer

de Sor, Francine                           "I Say No"                               Spiteful school friend of Emily Brown

Delamayn, Geoffrey                     Man and Wife                           Villain reneging on marriage to Anne Silvester

Delamayn, Julius                          Man and Wife                            Geoffrey Delamayn's older brother

Dermody, Mary (Van Brandt)     The Two Destinies                        Childhood sweetheart of George Germaine

Dethridge, Hester                        Man and Wife                             Lady Lundie's mute and eccentric cook

Dexter, Miserrimus                      The Law and The Lady                Legless eccentric, friend of Eustace Macallan

Dingwell, Rufus                          The Fallen Leaves                         American who befriends Amelius Goldenheart

Downward, Dr (Dr le Doux)        Armadale                                   Dubious doctor; accomplice of Mrs Oldershaw

Dubourg, Nugent                        Poor Miss Finch                           Deceitful twin trying to steal Lucilla Finch

Dubourg, Oscar                          Poor Miss Finch                          'Blue' twin in love with Lucilla Finch

Dulcifer, Alicia                           A Rogue's Life                            Daughter of Dr Dulcifer

Dulcifer, Dr                                A Rogue's Life                            A forger

Dunboyne, Philip                       The Legacy of Cain                       In love alternately with the Gracedieu sisters

Dunross, Miss                            The Two Destinies                        Mysterious young woman on the Shetlands


Engelman, Herr                          Jezebel's Daughter                      German partner to Keller and Mrs Wagner

Eyrecourt, Stella                         The Black Robe                          Friend of Lady Loring; marries Lewis Romayne

Eyrecourt, Mrs                            The Black Robe                          Stella Eyrecourt's mother


Fairlie, Frederick.                        The Woman in White                 Valetudinarian uncle of Laura Fairlie

Fairlie, Laura (Lady Glyde)          The Woman in White                Heiress married by Sir Perceval Glyde for money

Farnaby, Emma(nee Ronald)       The Fallen Leaves                    Farnaby's wife, searching for her lost daughter

Farnaby, John                               The Fallen Leaves                     Villain and dishonest businessman

Farnaby, Regina                            The Fallen Leaves                     John Farnaby's daughter, engaged to Goldenheart

Ferrari                                           The Haunted Hotel                   Courier to Lord Montbarry and Countess Narona

Finch, Lucilla                                 Poor Miss Finch                       Blind heroine in love with Oscar Dubourg

Finch, Reverend                             Poor Miss Finch                       Lucilla Finch's pompous father

Fitz-David, Major                           The Law and The Lady            'Don Juan' friend of Eustace Macallan

Fontaine, Madame                           Jezebel's Daughter                   Embezzler and poisoner

Fontaine, Minna                              Jezebel's Daughter                    Mrs Fontaine's daughter, engaged to Fritz Keller

Fosco,Count Isidor Ottavio Baldassare       The Woman in White               Archetypal 'fat man' villain, conspiring with Glyde

Fosco, Eleanor                                 The Woman in White              Fosco's wife; Laura Lairlie's aunt

Frankland, Leonard                          The Dead Secret                      Blind husband of Rosamond Treverton


Gallilee, Mrs                                     Heart and Science                    Ovid Vere's formidable mother

Garth, Miss                                       No Name                              Vanstone family governess and friend

Germaine, George                            The Two Destinies                   Childhood sweetheart of Mary Dermody

Glenarm, Mrs                                    Man and Wife                        Rich widow set to marry Geoffrey Delamayn

Glenney, David                                 Jezebel's Daughter                   Narrator and Mrs Wagner's English representative

Gloody                                              The Guilty River                     Servant to the Lodger

Glyde, Sir Perceval                            The Woman in White              Friend of Laura's father, marrying her for money

Goisvintha                                         Antonina                               Sister of Hermanric, determined to kill Antonina

Goldenheart, Amelius                       The Fallen Leaves                    Christian socialist hero; rescues Simple Sally

Gracedieu, Reverend Abel                The Legacy of Cain                   Retired prison chaplain

Gracedieu, Eunice                            The Legacy of Cain                   Good-natured daughter of Reverend Gracedieu

Gracedieu, Helena                            The Legacy of Cain                   Spiteful daughter of Reverend Gracedieu

Gray, Julian                                       The New Magdalen                  Curate nephew of Lady Roy

Graybrook, Sir Joseph                       Miss or Mrs?                           Father of Natalie Graybrook

Graybrook, Natalie                           Miss or Mrs?                           Heiress in love with Launcelot Linzie

Graywell, Carmina                           Heart and Science                      Mrs Gallilee's niece from Italy; in love with Vere

Grice, Joanna                                   Hide and Seek                          Mat's self-righteous aunt

Grice, Mary                                     Hide and Seek                          See Madonna

Grosse, Herr                                    Poor Miss Finch                        Eccentric German oculist

Gwilt, Lydia                                     Armadale                                 Villainess after Allan Armadale's money


Halcombe, Marian                        The Woman in White                   Resolute heroine; Laura Fairlie's half-sister

Hartright, Walter                          The Woman in White                   Drawing-master hero in love with Laura Fairlie

Henley, Iris                                   Blind Love                                   Wife of Lord Harry

Hermanric                                    Antonina                                     Chieftain under Alaric the Goth       

Holchester, Lord                          Man and Wife                              Geoffrey Delamayn's father

Holmcroft, Horace                      The New Magdalen                       War correspondent, friend of Lady Roy

Hynd, Major John Philip              The Black Robe                            Old friend of Lewis Romayne


Idia                                              Iolani                                           Mother of Iolani's child

Iolani                                           Iolani                                           Evil high priest of Oro


Jennings, Ezra                           The Moonstone                               Opium-taking assistant of Dr Candy

Jervis (Jervy)                             The Fallen Leaves                            Fraudster, extorting money from Mrs Farnaby

Jethro, Sarah                             "I Say No"                                     Teacher dismissed from Emily Brown's school

Jicks (Selina Finch)                  Poor Miss Finch                                Lucilla Finch's three year old half-sister


Kerby, Leah                          After Dark                                     William Kerby's wife and amanuensis

Kerby, William                       After Dark                                       Portrait painter and story-teller

Keller, Fritz                            Jezebel's Daughter                              Keller's son

Keller, Herr                           Jezebel's Daughter                              Business partner of Mrs Wagner

Kirk, Captain                         No Name                                         Sea-captain in love with Magdalen Vanstone


Le Frank, Mr                         Heart and Science                              Music master to the Gallilee family

Lecount, Mrs                         No Name                                        Noel Vanstone's formidable housekeeper

Leeson, Sarah (Mrs Jazeph)   The Dead Secret                               Mrs Treverton's maid

Limping Lucy                        The Moonstone                                 Fisherman's daughter; friend to Rosanna Spearman

Linley, Catherine (Mrs Norman) The Evil Genius                        Herbert's wife, divorcing over Sydney Westerfield

Linley, Herbert                   The Evil Genius                               In love with Sydney Westerfield

Linley, Kitty                        The Evil Genius                               Five year old daughter of Herbert and Catherine

Linley, Randal                    The Evil Genius                               Herbert Linley's brother

Linzie, Launcelot                Miss or Mrs?                                    Young cousin in love with Natalie Graybrook

Lockwood, Agnes               The Haunted Hotel                            Jilted fiancee of Lord Montbarry

Lodger, the                          The Guilty River                               Gerard Roylake's rival for Cristel Toller

Lord Harry (Norland)          Blind Love                                       Irish revolutionary; insurance fraudster

Loring, Lord and Lady         The Black Robe                                Catholic friends of Lewis Romayne

Louisa                                  No Name                                        Magdalen Vanstone's maid

Luker, Septimus                  The Moonstone                                  Dubious moneylender

Lundie, Blanche                  Man and Wife                                  Sisterly friend of Anne Silvester

Lundie, Lady Julia               Man and Wife                                  Overbearing guardian to Blanche Lundie

Lundie, Sir Patrick              Man and Wife                                   Retired lawyer; head of the Lundie family

Lydiard, Lady                     My Lady's Money                              Owner of a missing £500 note


Macallan, Eustace              The Law and The Lady                    Victim of Not Proven verdict

Macallan, Mrs                     The Law and The Lady                    Valeria's affectionate mother-in-law

Macallan, Valeria                The Law and The Lady                    Detective wife of Eustace

Madonna (Mary Grice)       Hide and Seek                                 Adopted daughter of Valentine and Lavinia Blythe

Mahine                               Iolani                                             Tahitian Chieftain

Mannion                             Basil                                              Assumed name of Sherwin's confidential clerk

Marksman, Mat                  Hide and Seek                                Outlandish friend of Zack

Melton, Mr                        The Fallen Leaves                           Older suitor for Regina Farnaby

Mere, Fanny                       Blind Love                                     Loyal maid to Iris Henley

Merrick, Mercy                   The New Magdalen                         Reformed prostitute posing as Grace Roseberry

Midwinter, Ozias                Armadale                                      Hero whose father murdered Armadale's father

Miller, Isabel                       My Lady's Money                           Adopted daughter of Lady Lydiard

Milroy, Anne                       Armadale                                     Jealous wife of Major Milroy; Eleanor's mother

Milroy, Major David            Armadale                                    Armadale's tenant; Eleanor's father

Milroy, Eleanor (Neelie)      Armadale                                    The Milroys' daughter, in love with Armadale

Minerva, Miss                      Heart and Science                         Governess to the Gallilee girls, Zo and Maria

Mirabel, Miles                      "I Say No"                                 Charismatic preacher in love with Emily Brown

Montbarry, Lord                  The Haunted Hotel                       Husband of Countess Narona

Moody, Robert                     My Lady's Money                        Lady Lydiard's steward, in love with Isabel Miller

Mool, Mr                              Heart and Science                        Family solicitor to the Gallilees

Morris, Alban                       "I Say No"                                 Drawing master in love with Emily Brown

Mountjoy, Arthur                 Blind Love                                  Hugh's brother; killed by Irish revolutionaries

Mountjoy, Hugh                   Blind Love                                  In love with Iris Henley

Murthwaite, Mr                    The Moonstone, The Black Robe      Renowned explorer and foreign traveller

Narona, Countess                 The Haunted Hotel                       Wife of Lord Montbarry

Numerian                              Antonina                                   Father of Antonina; Christian zealot


Old Sharon                         My Lady's Money                        Slovenly pipe-smoking detective

Oldershaw, Mrs Maria          Armadale                                  Shady beauty shop owner; Lydia Gwilt's mentor

Oxbye                                  Blind Love                                 Danish victim of the insurance fraud


Peckover, Mrs                    Hide and Seek                            Circus woman who rescues Madonna

Pedgift, Augustus Junior     Armadale                                  Lawyer son of Pedgift Senior

Pedgift, Augustus Senior    Armadale                                   Lawyer to Allan Armadale

Pendril, Mr                         No Name                                  Vanstone family solicitor

Penrose, Arthur                 The Black Robe                           Priest and friend to Lewis Romayne

Perry                                  Man and Wife                            Geoffrey Delamayn's trainer

Pesca, Professor                 The Woman in White                   Friend of Hartright; Italian political refugee

Playmore, Mr                     The Law and The Lady                Scottish lawyer to Eustace Macallan

Pratolungo, Madame          Poor Miss Finch                           Narrator and companion to Lucilla Finch

Presty, Mrs                         The Evil Genius                          Catherine Linley's interfering mother


Ralph                                 Basil                                        Basil's elder brother

Rivar, Baron                      The Haunted Hotel                    Brother and co-conspirator of Countess Narona

Romayne, Lewis                The Black Robe                         Owner of Vange Abbey; converted by Father Benwell

Rook, Mrs                         "I Say No"                              Former innkeeper of The Hand-in-Hand

Roseberry, Grace               The New Magdalen                   Cousin by marriage to Lady Roy

Roy, Lady Janet                 The New Magdalen                   Society Lady; Adopts Mercy Merrick as her daughter

Roylake, Gerard                The Guilty River                       Owner of Trimley Deen; in love with Cristel Toller


Sarrazin, Mr                      The Evil Genius                        Lawyer to Catherine Linley

Sebright, Mr                      Poor Miss Finch                        Staid English oculist

Sherwin, Margaret             Basil                                       The Sherwins' daughter; marries Basil

Sherwin, Mr                      Basil                                        Linen-draper, insisting on the secret marriage

Sherwin Mrs                     Basil                                        Margaret's timid mother

Shrowl                            The Dead Secret                         Misanthropic servant to Andrew Treverton

Silvester, Anne                Man and Wife                           Heroine compromised by Geoffrey Delamayn

Simple Sally                     The Fallen Leaves                      Long lost daughter of Mrs Farnaby

Softly, Frank                    A Rogues's Life                         Hero and narrator

Spearman, Rosanna         The Moonstone                           Tragic servant in love with Franklin Blake

Straw, Jack (Hans Grimm) Jezebel's Daughter                    Inmate of Bedlam rescued by Mrs Wagner

Sweetsir, Felix                  My Lady's Money                      Nephew of Lady Lydiard


Tegenbruggen,Mrs(Elizabeth Chance) The Legacy of Cain      Lover of Eunice Gracedieu's murdered father

Teresa                               Heart and Science                     Carmina Graywell's old nurse

Theophile Leblond (Toff) The Fallen Leaves                    Eccentric French servant to Amelius Goldenheart

Thorpe, Mr                       Hide and Seek                         Zack's Father

Thorpe, Mrs                      Hide and Seek                         Zack's devoted mother

Thorpe, Zachary (Zack)   Hide and Seek                         Wild friend of Blythe and Mat Marksman

Toller, Cristel                   The Guilty River                      Miller's daughter

Tommie                            My Lady's Money                     Lady Lydiard's Scotch terrier

Treverton, Andrew           The Dead Secret                       Rosamond Treverton's miserly uncle

Treverton, Rosamond       The Dead Secret                       Captain Treverton's daughter; married to Frankland

Turlington, Richard           Miss or Mrs?                          Older man marrying Natalie Graybrook for her money


Ulpius                                Antonina                               Pagan priest; Numerian's steward


Vanstone, Magdalen          No Name                             Actress heroine trying to recover family fortune

Vanstone, Noel                  No Name                            Cousin of Magdalen Vanstone

Vanstone, Norah                No Name                            Passive sister of Magdalen Vanstone

Vere, Ovid                        Heart and Science                  Brilliant young doctor; loves Carmina Graywell

Verinder, Rachel                The Moonstone                      Recipient of The Moonstone; in love with Blake

Verinder, Lady Julia           The Moonstone                      Rachel Verinder's mother

Vetranio                             Antonina                             Wealthy Roman

Vimpany, Dr                      Blind Love                           Creator of the insurance fraud with Lord Harry

Vimpany, Mrs                    Blind Love                           Clever wife of Dr Vimpany


Wagner, Mrs                      Jezebel's Daughter                 Widow of Ephraim Wagner and social reformer

Wardour, Richard              The Frozen Deep                  Frank Aldersley's rival for Clara Burnham

Westerfield, Sydney           The Evil Genius                   Governess to Kitty Linley; Herbert Linley's lover

Westwick, Henry               The Haunted Hotel               Lord Montbarry's brother

Wigger, Miss                      The Evil Genius                  Sydney Westerfield's brutal schoolmistress aunt

Wildfang, Thomas             Miss or Mrs?                        Turlington's murderous accomplice

Winterfield, Bernard          The Black Robe                    Bigamous first husband to Stella Eyrecourt

Wragge, Captain                 No Name                           Likeable rogue who assists Magdalen Vanstone

Wragge, Mrs                       No Name                           Simple-minded wife of Captain Wragge

Wray, Annie                       Mr Wray's Cash-Box           Mr Wray's daughter

Wray, Reuben                    Mr Wray's Cash-Box            Retired actor obsessed with Shakespeare

Wybrow, Dr Joseph           Haunted Hotel, Black Robe     Eminent Harley street physician

Wyvil, Cecilia                    "I Say No"                           School friend of Emily Brown

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